It is a day to honor all those who have

It is a day to honor all those who have fought for their countries, regardless of the politics or boundaries. I am not a veteran, I am not sure I have the courage to have been one. When I was young I was hot tempered enough and strong willed enough to “hate my enemy” and perhaps that would have been enough. As I have matured I really have realized that all men are my brothers and I don’t want to harm any of them. I don’t want them to harm each other. Sadly we live in a world though where that is just not a reality no matter how badly we long for it. I am grateful for the many blessings in my life that have come solely because of the sacrifice of other great men and women. I mourn the loss of those who perished in conflicts on both sides of the line. I admire the resilience of nations that has allowed Japanese, Germans, Americans etc to all work together today and leave the past behind. I had a History teacher once who had lost his leg in the war to an American and it was hard for him to let that go, but most of the German people I know today are my friends. All of the Japanese people I know today are my friends despite the conflicts of our ancestors. I honor all those men and women today on both sides of the line who gave us what freedom and liberty we still have. I honor them by trying to lead a peaceful life and opposing the thought of sending more men and women into battle again. I oppose tyranny in all of its forms and wish the American people would refuse it today from their corrupt leaders, but I don’t want to see bloodshed. We live in a world of abundance where there really is enough for all of us to live well if we help one another and share. I wish more of us would and could do that. I am thankful for the greatest generation there ever was and for what they were willing to do for all of us. Thank you Veterans! And to World leaders I issue the admonition that it is up to you to find peaceful resolutions through conflict.

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